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These resources were collected and disseminated at the University of Washington Library’s Data Management Planning Workshop, which took place August 2016.  These links lead to information on UW’s general data policies, services, and guides, as well as online articles, info-graphics and best practices for organizing and formatting your research data, data requirements, data sharing, and data confidentiality.


Data Management Plan

  • The Research Data Lifecycle (interactive graphic)
  • Data Management Plan Example
  • DMP Tool:
    Create your own data management plan (DMP) using templates. Review and download samples of DMPs from other researchers.

Data Requirements

  • SPARC:
    Data sharing requirements by federal agency that can help you prepare your DMP.

Data Roles and Responsibilities

Organization and Format of Data

Legal Issues

Data Sharing (General)

Metadata and Standards

Storage and Resources

Data Preparation and Confidentiality